Install Instructions: GrowthCode Universal ID Module

How does GrowthCode’s prebid universal ID module (UIM) work?

  1. Prebid lists User ID providers and their corresponding sub-modules

  2. Publishers decide which Universal Identity Modules to add to their header bidding package

  3. GrowthCode manages the installation of UIM per the direction of the publisher

  4. Upon page-load, the UIM is invoked, and the data is stored according to the publisher’s settings

  5. Prebid passes the appropriate consent string to all sub-modules.

Requirements: minimum configuration

  • Prebid Installed (Version 7 or greater)

  • A valid unique ID for each visitor to your site is required (most publishers use ShareIdID User Module in Prebid) – if not available, GrowthCode will create this unique ID

  • A valid Partner ID is required for the Growth Code UIM to work correctly. A Partner ID is unique to each publisher and must be initially generated by GrowthCode. Your Partner will be sent separately during the setup process.

  • GrowthCode Sync Code must be installed on all pages. (including your newsletter signup pages)

    • Pass your unique Publisher ID

    • Pass any appropriate privacy strings (TCF EU v2, TCF CA v1 and CCPA/USPrivacy)

Bid Enrichment

GrowthCode automatically adds Universal IDs to bid requests based on SSP or DSP requirements, optimizing bid responses. As the GC ID activates, these UIDs are seamlessly incorporated into bid requests through the RTD module. Continuous assessment ensures valuable UIDs are retained for optimal results.

First Party Syncing

In addition to bid decoration, some SSPs and DSPs allow publishers to sync their first-party data (typically the Hashed Email - HEM) with the partner’s proprietary ID Graph. This allows the SSP or DSP to pay more for an impression because they can better identify your users. This process is called tokenization. Currently, three SSPs provide this service. Please provide the following to support these services:

  • Your Amazon Publisher Services (APS) Id (If using)

  • Your Epsilon Publisher Id (If using)

  • Criteo Id (If using)

If you are not currently integrated with these SSP’s GrowthCode can help with introductions. If you are integrated, please provide the Publisher ID provided to you by the associated SSP.

Last updated